Cancellation Policy

Renter cancellation

Renters may cancel their trip through our mobile app, and the cancellation is effective immediately. Whether the renter received a full refund, a partial refund, or receives no refund depends on the circumstances. The total amount refunded will depend on when the renter cancels the trip, the length of the trip, and the trip type. The cancellation period is based on the vehicle’s time zone.

Full refund: Free cancellation period

A. Free cancellation period

Renters may cancel free of charge up to 24 hours before their trip starts.

If a renter wants to cancel a booked trip, we encourage them to notify their car owner as soon as possible via app messaging and to process the cancellation themselves through the WeRent® app.

B. Trip modifications

If a renter requests a trip modification and the car owner accepts, that modification does not reset the free cancellation period for the trip. It remains tied to the original booking time.

C. Cancellation for cleaning concerns or failed Pickup

Renters may cancel free of charge and receive a full refund (not including verification fee) if, upon inspecting the vehicle at trip start (pickup), they have concerns that it hasn't been cleaned and disinfected. Renters are only eligible for a full refund if they: do not confirm trip start after unlocking the vehicle, and immediately contact Customer Support to report the issue before moving from pickup zone within a time period not more than 1 Hour after the scheduled trip start.

D. Renter (Renter) Verifications fees

In case renter trip fees included a verifications fee, the verification fee amount will not be refunded back to customer since it was used to verify customer identity and driving license data.

Partial refund: Cancellations outside the free period and renter no-shows

A. Cancellations outside the free period

If a renter wants to cancel a booked trip, we encourage them to notify the car owner via WeRent® messaging as soon as possible and to process the cancellation themselves through the WeRent® website or app. We’ll issue a partial refund to renters who cancel in this manner and do not fall within the free cancellation period, we’ll refund the renter the trip price and trip fee minus a cancelation fee of 5% and defined verification fees if applied.

B. Renter no-show

What Qualifies as a No-Show event?

1. Renter fails to cancel and doesn't show up for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip's scheduled start time.

2. Renter has booked a trip in a WeRent® Go car, has not canceled their trip, and does not show up for 12 hours after the trip’s scheduled start time.

3. A renter who shows up to a trip with no license, with an invalid license, or who sends their additional driver in their place.

WeRent® or the car owner will cancel renter no-show trips, and we’ll issue the renter a partial refund of full amount minus (5% of total trip price as a cancelation fee + a penalty of 50$ + any paid verification fees).

No refund: Early returns

Early returns

There are no credits/refunds issued for early returns except when the renter has submitted a trip modification request to shorten their trip and the car owner has accepted through the WeRent® app, as defined in WeRent® Terms of service.

Renter trips canceled by car owner, car owner no-shows, and trips canceled by WeRent®

Renter trips canceled by car owner and car owner no-shows

If a car owner cancels a renter’s trip or is a no-show — that is, hasn't canceled and doesn’t show up within 30 minutes of the scheduled trip start — WeRent® will initiate a full refund the renter in full.

Trips canceled by WeRent®

In some cases, WeRent® ’s trust and safety team will cancel a renter’s booked trip. If that were to happen, WeRent® will contact the renter and car owner, and issue the renter a full refund. In these instances, Customer Support is available to help renters rebook 24/7 (US and Canada) and during business hours for UK renters.

Car Owner Cancellation

If a car owner wants to cancel a booked trip, we encourage them to notify the renter via WeRent® messaging as soon as possible. Then they must process the cancellation through the WeRent® app /booking details screen. The cancellation is effective immediately, and the renter receives a complete refund (excluding Booking & Verification fees if applied).

Car owner cancellation and car owner no-shows

Car owner cancellations

Car owners will be subject to a 188 SAR* fee if they cancel a trip less than 24 hours before the start of the trip. If they cancel more than 24 hours before the start of the trip, the fee is 94 SAR*. After each canceled trip, car owners receive an automated review on their vehicle listing. It mentions the cancellation and how far in advance they canceled the trip. We waive the car owner fee and review if the renter rebooks a new trip with the same car owner within 24 hours of the cancellation. Car owners who repeatedly cancel trips may be subject to additional penalties, including removal from the marketplace.

Car owner no-shows

If a car owner fails to cancel and doesn't show up for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip's scheduled start time, it's a car owner no-show. Car owners who fail to show up for a trip are subject to a 500 SAR* fee.

* Penalty Values and currencies may vary based on car owner service location, and we rent have the right to change them after notifying concerned car owners.

Car owner trips canceled by renters, renter no-shows, and trips canceled by WeRent®

Trips canceled by renters outside the free cancellation period

Car owner's will be entitled to deducted cancelation fee amount after excluding WeRent® commission.

Renter no-shows

If a renter fails to cancel and doesn't show up for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip's scheduled start time, it’s a renter no-show. If a renter has booked a trip in a WeRent® Go car, has not canceled their trip, and doesn't show up for 12 hours after the trip’s scheduled start time, it’s a renter no-show. A renter who shows up to a trip with no license, with an invalid license, or who sends their additional driver in their place is also a renter no-show.

In this case car owner is entitled to cancelation fee amount of 15 % from booking total after excluding:

  • Booking &verification fees is applicable .
  • The cost of any additional service provided by WeRent® to renter.
  • Any customer no-show penalty applied on renter..

Car owners must report all no-shows within 4hours of the trip start. If a renter tells us that they didn't show up and you didn't report the no-show to us, we won't issue you earnings for that trip. We may also charge a fine.

Trips canceled by WeRent®

When WeRent® must cancel a trip less due to a renter verification issue or car verification issue or due to host irresponsiveness, the car owner will not be eligible for any earnings.
